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Monday, February 6, 2012

Cost of living for some families in various countries of the world

Pictures of food supplies and cost of some families in different parts of the Earth
Family of Abu Bakar from Chad daily cost and a quarter, $ 1,000
Alhaji Ahmed of Egypt and his sons and their families, such as assigned
Living $ 68 and half dollars
The family of Mr. Alhaqan  from Kuwait
Cost of living 221 dollars, they are like the rest of Gulf families
FamilyAlnmgay of Shngkhey in Putin cost of living 5 dollars
Aymy family from Ecuador cost of living 31.55$ they love soup and
Dong family of China  expense $ 155, and love
Kaslbez family from Mexico cost of living 189$
Kevin's family from California to America and cost of living $ 159 for , can't believe
Sicilian family Manzou
From Italy cost of living 260 dollars
Melander family  from federal Germany , cost of living US $ 500
Okita family of Japan cost of living 317 dollars or Japanese Yen 37699
The family of Mr. Benton  from Britain cost of living $ 253 love avocado
Family bachori from Mongolia cost of living by 40 dollars

Reeves family from North Carolina to America cost of living 342 dollars
Family zobcziniski of Poland  cost of  living 151$  per week
Ayme family of Ecuador  liviing cost  31 dollars

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